Professional Arthritis Treatment Services

Thank you for choosing Steven L. Feldman, MD. We specialize in arthritis diagnosis and treatment in Lauderhill, Florida. With a remarkable tenure spanning nearly four decades, our office is committed to the care and well-being of patients. Our extensive experience with arthritis enables us to provide tailored solutions that address the unique needs of each person, helping patients regain their mobility and quality of life. Contact us now to schedule an appointment.

Causes of Arthritis

  • Degeneration as is most commonly seen in Osteoarthritis (OA): This type of arthritis is primarily caused by the natural wear and tear of joint cartilage. 
  • Joint injury: Fractures or ligament tears can increase the risk of developing OA in the affected joint.
  • Inflammation which is most commonly seen in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): RA is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, leading to inflammation and damage. We help patients in the management and treatment of their rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and gaut.
  • Infectious Arthritis: Known as septic arthritis, this form of arthritis occurs when bacteria, viruses, or fungi enter a joint, causing infection and inflammation. Lyme disease falls into this category.



  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Ibuprofen and naproxen help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs): Used primarily for inflammatory arthritis, DMARDs like methotrexate can slow the progression of the disease.
  • Biologic response modifiers: These biologic drugs target specific immune system components to reduce inflammation in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Pain relievers: Acetaminophen is used to manage pain, but it doesn't reduce inflammation.

Physical Therapy: Physical therapists can help individuals with arthritis develop exercise routines and techniques to improve joint function and reduce pain.

Lifestyle Modifications: Lifestyle changes, including weight management, regular exercise, and avoiding activities exacerbating symptoms, can help manage arthritis effectively.

We are here to help! Call us at (954) 741-5800 for an appointment.

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